Overcoming Obstacles


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Lead with compassion

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Growth Mindset

February 18, 2023

What is the difference between a fixed and growth mindset? Well, a fixed mindset is when an individual attends to work with the assumption that their abilities are natural and wonā€™t change. A growth mindset is the complete opposite. It is when an individual understands they need to grow and adapt with the times if they want to stay in the game. Having a fixed mindset in today's day and age would not lead a company or an individual down a successful path. In the article by Pearl Zhu, Fixed vs. Growth Mindset, it states, ā€œGrowth leadership mindset must believe - all dreams have the potential to be translated into fulfillmentā€.

So, now you might be wondering what YOU can do to have a growth mindset.

The first thing I recommend when developing a growth mindset is to reflect on past accomplishments. These can be great or small. However, when we think about our past achievements, we can feel proud. It also brings to light that your hard work in the past did pay off.

The second suggestion that can help you develop a growth mindset is to make a list of goals you would like to accomplish. Goals should be S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound) Seeing the goals on paper makes the idea more concrete. I recommend writing down goals so you have a visual reminder at all times what you are working for. I have a copy of my goals on my fridge and on my desk at work.

The next step is to write down small tasks you need to follow through with in order to achieve the new goals you wrote down. Remember, little steps in the right direction, can lead you down a glorious path. Having a plan though is essential and can help you hold yourself accountable.

The fourth step is to seek feedback from others. This is a challenging step for many because most people do not like to be open to criticism. One must remember that we canā€™t fix what we are doing wrong, if we donā€™t even know we are doing it. If we are not open and willing to get a fresh perspective, we will never grow.

The fifth step is to learn something new that will help you achieve your goal and maybe even push you a little further. Do something you are not used to. Take a webinar or a new yoga class. Being open to new opportunities allows you to meet new individuals and that might bring new opportunities into your life.

The sixth step I recommend is to love yourself during this process. Developing news skills to help you achieve goals is not an easy task. Some days you might experience burnout. It is important to center yourself and remember why you are working hard in the first place. Take time to relax and celebrate the growth during the process. It is okay to feel proud as an adult.

The seventh step in developing a growth mindset is to continue to research and look at other examples. Surround yourself with people that have similar aspirations and goals so you can see what they are doing to level up in life. You can reflect on how they approach challenges or establish goals.

Setting Goals

March 15, 2023

Goal setting is a powerful tool that provides direction, motivation, and purpose in our lives. By setting clear and meaningful goals, we establish a roadmap that guides our actions and decisions. Goals help us prioritize our time, resources, and efforts towards what truly matters to us. They provide a sense of focus and drive, allowing us to stay on track even in the face of challenges. Without goals, we may find ourselves drifting aimlessly, lacking a sense of purpose or fulfillment. Goal setting gives us a sense of clarity and empowers us to create the life we desire.

Moreover, goal setting enables us to measure progress and celebrate achievements. When we set specific and measurable goals, we can track our progress and assess how far we've come. This sense of accomplishment fuels our motivation and encourages us to continue pushing forward. It also allows us to identify areas where we may need to adjust our strategies or put in extra effort. By regularly reviewing our goals and evaluating our progress, we can make necessary changes and keep ourselves accountable to our aspirations.

Goal setting also fosters personal growth and development. When we set challenging yet attainable goals, we push ourselves beyond our comfort zones and expand our capabilities. The process of working towards our goals exposes us to new experiences, knowledge, and skills. It encourages us to learn, adapt, and develop resilience. Along the journey, we acquire valuable insights, learn from failures, and celebrate successes. Setting goals challenges us to constantly strive for improvement and enables us to reach new levels of personal and professional achievement. In this way, goal setting becomes a catalyst for self-growth and unlocks our full potential.

The Power of Being Resilient

May 26, 2023

In life, we are often faced with numerous challenges and setbacks that test our strength and determination. It is during these trying times that resilience, the ability to bounce back from adversity, becomes our greatest ally. Resilience is not an innate trait; rather, it is a skill that can be nurtured and developed. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of resilience, its importance in navigating life's obstacles, and practical strategies to cultivate and strengthen our resilience.

  1. Understanding Resilience: Resilience is the capacity to adapt, recover, and grow stronger in the face of adversity. It is not about avoiding challenges or pretending that everything is perfect. Instead, it involves acknowledging setbacks, accepting the reality of the situation, and finding the strength to move forward. Resilience empowers us to maintain a positive mindset, take proactive steps, and learn valuable lessons from our experiences.
  2. The Benefits of Resilience: Developing resilience brings about a range of benefits that positively impact various aspects of our lives. Firstly, resilient individuals possess greater emotional well-being, as they are better equipped to manage stress, regulate their emotions, and maintain a positive outlook. Moreover, resilience fosters mental toughness and perseverance, enabling individuals to face challenges head-on without succumbing to despair or giving up. Resilient people are also more adaptable, flexible, and open to change, which enhances their problem-solving skills and ability to find innovative solutions.
  3. Building Resilience: Cultivate a positive mindset: Resilience begins with a positive attitude. Train your mind to focus on solutions rather than dwelling on problems. Practice gratitude, find silver linings in difficult situations, and surround yourself with positive influences.

Embracing Discomfort

May 29, 2023

In the realm of personal growth and development, comfort zones can be both a sanctuary and a hindrance. While they provide a sense of security and familiarity, they also limit our potential for growth and discovery. Stepping outside our comfort zones and embracing discomfort is essential for unlocking new opportunities, expanding our horizons, and achieving personal growth.

The comfort zone refers to a psychological state where we feel safe, secure, and in control. It is a place where routines are familiar, risks are minimized, and stress is reduced. While it is natural to seek comfort, remaining within the boundaries of our comfort zones can lead to stagnation, complacency, and missed opportunities. Personal growth and development require us to step beyond these boundaries, face new challenges, and embrace discomfort.

Stepping outside our comfort zones exposes us to new experiences, perspectives, and knowledge. It forces us to adapt, learn new skills, and expand our horizons. Embracing discomfort stimulates our minds and encourages a growth mindset.

While comfort zones offer familiarity and security, personal growth and development lie beyond their boundaries. Embracing discomfort is the key to unlocking new opportunities, expanding our horizons, and realizing our full potential. By stepping outside our comfort zones, we open ourselves up to learning, increased resilience, broadened perspectives, and the discovery of hidden capabilities. So, embrace the discomfort, take calculated risks, and embark on a transformative journey towards personal growth.


May 30, 2023

Failure is not the opposite of success; it is an integral part of the journey towards it. Failing provides us with valuable lessons, insights, and opportunities for growth. It pushes us to reassess our strategies, challenge our assumptions, and develop resilience. When we embrace failure, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and approaches. By learning from our mistakes and making adjustments, we can ultimately find success. It is through failure that we gain the wisdom, determination, and determination necessary to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. Failure is not the end; it is a stepping stone on the path to success.

May- Mental Health

May 31, 2023

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about mental health and promoting the importance of emotional well-being. It serves as a reminder that mental health is just as vital as physical health and should be a priority for everyone. During this month, we strive to break the stigma surrounding mental health, encourage open conversations, and provide support for those facing mental health challenges.

Mental Health Awareness Month plays a crucial role in educating individuals about the prevalence of mental health conditions and the impact they have on individuals, families, and communities. It aims to foster empathy, understanding, and compassion towards those struggling with mental health issues. By promoting awareness, we can help individuals recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health conditions, seek early intervention, and access appropriate support and treatment. It is a time to spread the message that seeking help is not a sign of weakness but a courageous step towards healing and recovery.

Moreover, Mental Health Awareness Month emphasizes the significance of self-care and prioritizing mental well-being. It serves as a reminder that we all have mental health, and it requires nurturing and care just like our physical health. It encourages individuals to practice self-compassion, engage in activities that promote mental wellness, and seek support when needed. By prioritizing our mental health, we can enhance our overall quality of life, improve relationships, and effectively navigate life's challenges with resilience and strength. Mental Health Awareness Month shines a light on the importance of taking care of ourselves and reminds us that we are not alone in our journeys towards mental well-being.

New Month

June 1, 2023

As the calendar flips to a new month, it presents us with a unique opportunity for a fresh start. Each month offers a clean slateā€”a chance to reflect, set new goals, and infuse our lives with renewed energy. Whether you want to make progress in your personal life, professional pursuits, or overall well-being, starting off a new month with positivity and purpose can set the tone for the days to come. Some strategies that might be beneficial for you are below.

  1. Reflect on the Past Month
  2. Set Intentions and Goals
  3. Create a Monthly Plan
  4. Cultivate Positive Habits
  5. Practice Self-Care
  6. Stay Flexible and Adapt

Starting off a new month with positivity and purpose sets the stage for a fulfilling and productive period ahead. By reflecting on the past, setting intentions, creating a plan, cultivating positive habits, practicing self-care, and staying adaptable, you empower yourself to make the most of each month. Embrace the fresh start that a new month brings and leverage it as a stepping stone towards your dreams and aspirations. Embrace the possibilities, stay motivated, and make this new month your best one yet!


June 8, 2023

Summer is a season associated with relaxation, leisure, and rejuvenation. It presents a wonderful opportunity to step back from the hustle and bustle of daily life and focus on your well-being. Amidst the warm weather, longer days, and vacation vibes, taking time for yourself becomes paramount. In today's post, we will explore the importance of prioritizing self-care and well-being during the summer season, and how it can positively impact your overall health and happiness.

  1. Recharge and Replenish: Taking time for yourself during summer allows you to recharge and replenish your physical, mental, and emotional energy. Constantly being on the go and meeting the demands of work, family, and other responsibilities can leave you feeling drained. By intentionally carving out time for rest and relaxation, you give yourself an opportunity to rejuvenate. Whether it's lounging by the pool, enjoying a quiet walk in nature, or indulging in a favorite hobby, these moments of self-care can have a profound effect on your overall well-being.
  2. Reduce Stress and Promote Mental Health: Summer can be a busy time, filled with social engagements, vacations, and various commitments. While these activities can be enjoyable, they can also lead to increased stress levels if not balanced with self-care. Taking time for yourself allows you to unwind, destress, and refocus. Engaging in activities that bring you joy, such as reading, practicing mindfulness, or spending quality time alone, can help alleviate anxiety and promote mental well-being. It provides an opportunity to reset and find inner peace in the midst of a fast-paced world.

3. Enhance Creativity and Productivity: Stepping away from the daily grind and dedicating time for yourself can have a significant impact on your creativity and productivity. Engaging in activities that inspire you, such as pursuing a creative hobby, exploring new interests, or simply allowing your mind to wander, can stimulate fresh ideas and innovative thinking. Taking a break from the usual routine allows your brain to recharge and come back with renewed focus, ultimately enhancing your overall productivity and effectiveness in other areas of life.

In the midst of the summer season's warmth and vibrancy, it is crucial to prioritize time for yourself. By consciously making self-care and well-being a priority, you recharge, reduce stress, enhance creativity, nurture relationships, and embark on personal growth journeys. Remember that taking time for yourself is not selfish; it is a necessary act of self-love and preservation. Embrace this summer as an opportunity to pause, reflect, and invest in your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Your refreshed and rejuvenated self will radiate positivity and enhance your overall enjoyment of the season.

Brain Power

June 10, 2023

The human brain is an extraordinary organ with immense power and potential. Often referred to as the command center of the body, it controls our thoughts, emotions, actions, and even our perception of reality. The power of the brain lies in its remarkable ability to process information, adapt to new situations, and generate creative solutions. With approximately 86 billion neurons, the brain forms intricate networks that facilitate communication and allow us to learn, remember, and make decisions. By harnessing our brain power, we can unlock a world of possibilities, fuel innovation, and achieve remarkable feats.

Having strong brain power is not only about intellectual prowess; it encompasses a wide range of cognitive abilities and skills. A powerful brain empowers us to think critically, solve problems, and make informed decisions. It enhances our memory, concentration, and learning capabilities, enabling us to absorb and retain information effectively. Moreover, brain power is closely linked to emotional intelligence, allowing us to understand and manage our emotions, as well as empathize with others. By nurturing our brain power through activities such as reading, engaging in stimulating conversations, engaging in brain exercises, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we can unlock our full potential and lead fulfilling, successful lives. Our brain power is a precious asset that, when harnessed and nurtured, can shape our reality and contribute to personal and societal growth.

When I did some research on what foods are the most beneficial for our brain, I was a bit disappointed. Apparently fish and fatty acids are excellent for the brain. Unfortunately, I hate seafood! Yuck! Fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines, are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain health and can enhance memory and overall cognitive performance. Blueberries are packed with antioxidants and flavonoids. Those have been linked to improved brain function, including better memory and delayed age-related cognitive decline. Also, dark chocolate, rich in antioxidants and natural stimulants like caffeine, can boost focus, mood, and cognitive abilities. Nuts and seeds are also great foods that are helpful to your brain.

Remember, your brain is a muscle and it is important that you take care of it!

Strong Leadership

June 12, 2023

In any organization, leaders play a pivotal role in driving success and growth. While it's easy to focus on identifying and addressing weaknesses or areas for improvement, a truly effective leader recognizes the importance of finding the positive in their workers and harnessing their strengths. By nurturing the inherent talents and capabilities of their team members, leaders can unlock a wealth of untapped potential, fostering a culture of empowerment, productivity, and professional development.

Recognizing and Acknowledging Individual Strengths

To find the positive in their workers, leaders must first cultivate a deep understanding of their team members' strengths. This requires keen observation, active listening, and fostering open lines of communication. By engaging in regular conversations, performance evaluations, and team-building exercises, leaders can gain insights into the unique skills and talents that drive their team members' success.

Assigning Roles and Responsibilities Strategically

One of the key responsibilities of a leader is to allocate tasks and responsibilities effectively. When leaders are aware of their team members' strengths, they can match individuals with roles that align with their abilities, passions, and expertise. By doing so, leaders create a sense of purpose and fulfillment, allowing employees to perform at their best.

Additionally, strategically assigning tasks based on strengths promotes collaboration within the team. Recognizing that each person brings a unique set of skills to the table encourages mutual respect and a supportive work environment, where employees can learn from one another and maximize their potential.

Investing in Professional Development

Leaders who find the positive in their workers understand the importance of investing in professional development. They provide opportunities for their team members to enhance their existing strengths and acquire new ones. By encouraging continuous learning and growth, leaders not only nurture the potential of their employees but also contribute to the overall success of the organization.

Building a Supportive and Inclusive Culture

Lastly, leaders should actively foster a supportive and inclusive culture that embraces the strengths of each team member. This involves creating an environment where individuals feel safe to express their ideas, take calculated risks, and contribute their unique perspectives. By embracing diversity and inclusion, leaders tap into the collective strength of their team and promote innovation and creativity.

In the journey of leadership, recognizing and harnessing the positive qualities of workers is an essential component of building a successful and thriving organization. Leaders who prioritize discovering and leveraging their team members' strengths create a workplace culture where employees feel valued, motivated, and empowered. By embracing a strengths-based approach, acknowledging individual strengths, strategically assigning roles, investing in professional development, and fostering a supportive culture, leaders can unleash the full potential of their workforce and achieve remarkable results.

Healthy Conflict

June 26, 2023

Conflict is a term that often carries negative connotations, evoking images of tension, disagreement, and hostility. However, it's essential to recognize that conflict can also have positive aspects. When handled constructively, conflict has the potential to foster growth, enhance relationships, and drive innovation.

Conflict encourages the exploration of diverse viewpoints and challenges existing assumptions. When individuals engage in respectful debates and express differing opinions, they invite fresh perspectives and open doors to alternative solutions. By embracing healthy conflict, individuals and teams can expand their understanding, refine their ideas, and arrive at more comprehensive and innovative outcomes.

Contrary to popular belief, conflict, when managed effectively, can strengthen relationships. Through open and honest communication, conflicts provide an opportunity for individuals to express their concerns, needs, and emotions. This process fosters a deeper understanding and empathy between parties, paving the way for resolution, compromise, and the building of trust. By working through conflicts together, relationships can emerge stronger, as individuals gain insights into each other's values, aspirations, and boundaries.

Conflict acts as a catalyst for creativity and innovation by challenging the status quo. When ideas collide, they give rise to new possibilities and inspire the generation of fresh concepts. Creative tension fuels the search for unconventional solutions, encouraging individuals to think outside the box and explore uncharted territories. Embracing healthy conflict cultivates an environment where new ideas flourish, leading to breakthroughs, improved processes, and transformative outcomes.

While conflict may be associated with negative experiences, it's essential to recognize its potential for positive outcomes. Healthy conflict broadens perspectives, strengthens relationships, fosters creativity, and promotes personal and professional growth. By embracing conflict as an opportunity for learning, understanding, and collaboration, we can transform adversarial situations into stepping stones toward progress. By cultivating a culture that embraces healthy conflict, individuals and organizations can harness its power to drive innovation, enhance relationships, and achieve collective success.


July 27, 2023

I have been super busy the last few months and as I sit here to reflect, I am amazed at how much I have accomplished. Yes, there have been many days when I felt defeated. There were even more days I felt like I was not good enough. But what really matters is how I handled those feelings. I could have given up and walked away from failures. But, I chose to take the lemons and make them into lemonade.

Embracing a never-give-up spirit is a testament to the indomitable human will to succeed. As Milton Berle once said, "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." This quote encapsulates the essence of taking control of our destiny. Instead of waiting for chances to come knocking, we must proactively seek and create our opportunities. It may require dedication, perseverance, and courage, but this mindset empowers us to shape our future on our terms. By embracing the belief that we are the architects of our own fate, we discover the strength to overcome any obstacle.

Mr. T's words, "To have a comeback, you have to have a setback," offer valuable wisdom in times of adversity. Setbacks are inevitable on the journey to success, and they do not define our worth or potential. Rather, they become the stepping stones to personal growth and resilience. Remember, a setback is not the end of the road; it's a chance for a triumphant comeback. Let the never-give-up spirit be your guiding light, illuminating the path to triumph in every aspect of life.

Please remember to use the setbacks to ignite the fire inside of you. Do not give up!